A Return to Research
The Honey and Pollination Center is committed to researching and understanding the nuances of the varietal honeys of the United States.
Several years ago we staged a preliminary study developing a honey tasting panel and utilizing University resources in the areas of gas chromatography, nuclear magnetic resonance, HPLC, and pollen analysis. We focused on three well-known varietal honeys: Orange Blossom, Clover (white and sweet) and cultivated Buckwheat.
That was supposed to lay the groundwork that would fuel future deeper and meaningful research into the myriad of varietal honeys found throughout the United States. Unfortunately, funding was never found. At that time, the interest in varietal honey was just beginning. Now it is exploding. Between the issue of honey adulteration, the dropping prices for honey at the wholesale level, and consumers’ increased desire to have pure, quality, varietal honey in the pantry – the time has finally arrived.
New Opportunities
The center is collecting US varietal honey! We're looking for 2lb samples of Cultivated Buckwheat, White or Sweet Clover, Red Clover, Orange Blossom, Tupelo, Blackberry, Alfalfa, Mesquite, Japanese Knotweed or Sourwood. Please fill out this form and package it with your honey when it is available. It includes where the honey was collected, what year, etc.
Don't have the varietals requested but want to still help out?
Roger Simons, Chief Scientist at the USDA lab in North Carolina is developing new testing techniques for seeking out adulteration in honey. Roger needs US pure honey samples. Lots and lots of honey samples. Ideally from the beekeeper or packer with beekeeper information. The form for submission is here.
And finally. In order for this research to be accomplished, the Center needs your financial support. We are in the process of matching a grant through the Springcreek Foundation for up to $50,000. We hope to meet that goal by December 31, 2021. In order to do this, we need your help. Donations in any amount to help fund the Center and this research are welcome. We will keep everyone updated in our newsletters.