
2019 International Pollinator Conference

2019 International Pollinator Conference highlighted recent research advances in the biology and health of pollinators, and linking these to policy implications. The conference covered a range of topics in pollinator research, from genomics to ecology, and their application to land use and management, breeding of managed bees, and monitoring of global pollinator populations. The fourth International Pollinator Conference, the first year ever held at the University of California, Davis, drew a capacity crowd of 250, with presenters from 15 countries.


2019 International Conference on Pollinator Biology Health and Policy

Date: July 17-20, 2019

Theme: “Multidimensional Solutions to Current and Future Threats to Pollinator Health”

Registration: $450 (General), $250 (Student discount)


Keynote Speakers






Other speakers include:

Claudio Gratton, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Maggie Douglas, Dickinson College
Maj Rundlöf, Lund University, Sweden
Quinn McFrederick, UC Riverside
Scott McArt, Cornell University
Romina Rader, University of New England, Australia

Sign-up for our 2019 International Pollinator Conference newsletter for updates: HERE


For more information about the conference, please email the conference coordinator Liz Luu, or the conference organizers, Neal M. Williams or Elina Nino (UC Davis) and Rufus Isaacs (Michigan State University).

Code of Conduct

By attending the International Pollinator Conference, you agree voluntarily to abide by our ethics policy adapted by ENT Soc.

Authorship: All authors connected to a presentation and/or abstract must agree on all information contained in the presentation. Failure of an author to agree to the presentation format will lead to the presentation being withdrawn from the conference. An author who submits a presentation must have intentions of attending, registering, and presenting at the meeting once the submission is accepted into the program.

Photography: The International Pollinator Conference requests that attendees not take photographs or videos during sessions because they are disruptive to the presenters. If you wish to take photographs of a presentation or poster, please contact the presenter for permission in advance. The International Pollinator Conference reserves the right to use photographs and videos taken and testimonials given during the event for informational and promotional purposes.

Harassment and Safety: The International Pollinator Conference is dedicated to providing a safe, hospitable, and productive environment for everyone attending our events, regardless of ethnicity, religion, disability, physical appearance, gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation. Accordingly, the International Pollinator Conference prohibits intimidating, threatening, or harassing conduct during our conferences. This policy applies to speakers, staff, volunteers, and attendees. Conference participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the conference, at the discretion of conference organizers. Harassment of conference participants will not be tolerated in any form. Harassment includes offensive gestures or verbal comments related to ethnicity, religion, disability, physical appearance, gender, or sexual orientation in public spaces, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome attention. Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately.

Want to file a complaint? Contact any of the responsible employees to report behavior:

  1. Please contact conference coordinator Liz Luu, or the conference organizers, Neal M. Williams or Elina Nino (UC Davis) and Rufus Isaacs (Michigan State University).
  2. The Director—Harassment and Discrimination Assistance and Prevention Program (HDAPP), (530) 752-9255;  http://hdapp.ucdavis.edu
  3. The Discrimination Complaint Coordinator (UCDHS), 916-734-5335.
  4. The Chief Compliance Officer (530) 752-9466.

All reports are kept confidential to the extent possible. We do not share the names of reporters with leadership when determining next steps.

Thank you to our sponsors!

    HPC    Wonderful  

WFC  CAESPenn StateBayer  Wyman   almond board

CPR      EPRI      Ernst             ABF

FlagInterested in Sponsoring this Event?

Your contribution will help us share research to improve pollinator health. Sponsors at the Silver level and above receive complimentary admission to the International Pollinator Conference.