Buzzing Back through COVID - Spring Events
It is a dry springtime out here in California and the almond blossoms are bursting on the branches. Honey bees are doing their jobs pollinating and re-energizing their hives. And, similarly, the Center is re-energizing for a very active season. We will be everywhere!
Mead Bootcamp: April 7, 2022
Boot Camp will be held in the University Leed Platinum Teaching Winery on Thursday, April 7th. If you’ve ever wanted to know about making mead this is your opportunity to start at the very beginning with honey, water and yeast and a lot of creative instructors. Register.
Introduction to Mead Making: April 8 & 9, 2022
Want a bit more than just Boot Camp? Introduction to Making Mead will be held Friday and Saturday, April 8 & 9 here at UC Davis. We have a wonderful line-up of mead makers, faculty and staff to help you understand what this beverage is all about. We begin with learning about varietal honey and move into tasting meads and learning all about them – from simple traditionals to complex melomels and so much more. Register.
Picnic Day: Saturday, April 23, 2022
In the middle of it all is the University’s huge celebration of everything that is wonderful on campus. The giant honey wheel will be out in the Good Life Garden in front of our home at the Robert Mondavi Institute. We will be sharing tastes of honey and lots of information about the bees and pollination. This is so much fun and a great way to see UC Davis and all it has to offer.
California Honey Festival: Saturday, May 7, 2022
After two years in hibernation, the Honey Festival is returning the first weekend in May in downtown Woodland. Knowing that it usually takes about 8-10 months to make the festival HUGE, we are creating a honey and education-filled event in the next two months! Collaborating with the Arboretum and the Master Beekeepers, UC Davis will be taking the stage providing honey tasting, planting guides, and bee and pollination education with our bee-ambassadors.
The goals of the festival echo those of the University. Everyone planning the event wants to help educate the public about honey, honey bees and the plants they need and love. AND – we want you all to cook with honey! Put the date on your calendar and come visit downtown Woodland. It will be all abuzzzzz!
Honey Tasting Certification Course - Coming this Summer!
Yes – popular demand for a sequenced course concerning the science of tasting and smelling and using varietal California Honey being developed. We will test drive the first session with students in the California Master Beekeeping Program. Stay tuned!