Myths and Facts: Asian Hornet
Every couple years something comes along in the world of the honey bee that attracts a great deal of attention. Many years ago it was the African bee that had been inadvertently let free and eventually made its way from Brazil up through Central America and into the southern United States. Now, with more and more research, we are learning how to live with this strain of honey bee that is a fabulous honey producer.
Then came colony collapse disorder – CCD – though one single cause was never found, a grouping of issues with bee health came to the forefront of America’s consciousness (and the world). No, CCD is not a result of cell phone towers. It may be a result of poor nutrition, weather, viruses, the varroa mite and a few other bee threatening vectors all working together. The upshot? We have become better informed about the honey bees and native bees that help pollinate over 30% of the food we love to eat.
Now it is the Asian Hornet. Until we know more, Lynn Kimsey, UC Davis professor of Entomology and wasp expert expose the myth in Kathy Keatly Garvey’s Bug Squad post:
Read here
p.s. If you need a bit more on the sensational side, however, check out this post: Matan Shelomi: How Do You Say 'Murder' Hornets? Delicious!